Thursday, July 8, 2010

Story So Far- Continues -- the first leaves of the plot

Links To: முன்னுரை (Introduction) | இதுவரை (Story So Far)

oor Makkal #3:

The techie went into his library, which did have a big magnifying glass, a class of its own. While trying to find the sole print he stumbled upon an evidence.

A piece of charcoal wrapped in an age old line printer(the printers they use with mainframes) printed paper. It looked like some important data. suddenly an idea? But the idea bulb took time to become bright. Hmm he thought while it saves the earth to have spiral bulbs it does take time to become bright he thought.

The idea was data mining. ( Coal and the printed data gave the idea). So he went back to the other computer in the library. This one was connected over VPN on to a datamining application. He logged in, selected sole prints, as the category. Then placed the 2D sole print that he had made a copy on a 3d imager. The image got scanned and appeared in the app. With that as the source, he sent a command to search. The minor, that was the app's name, started mining and dredging and came with a data grid that had,

1)A list of people with that kind of shoes
2)Their financial status
3)Probable current locations

The techie did a search within the search with the probable location set to chennai. The result was filtered and came up with finances in UK and in Some other cities in India.

Techie logged off from minor and switched off the computer. Came out of his library, it was 9:00pm and the evening was still bright as 7:00 PM in New England.

The evening had a glow. Another bulb lit up. Another idea.
He knew who would know more about finances in UK. IndhiyAThattal was the codename of his friend.

The techie called IndhiyAthattal ,a man of billion dollar ideas. IndhiyAThattal,IT, said call me in private from the airport.
Pan to chennai..

In Chennai....

The restaurant manager comes to the family of four.

"You look very familiar" he says. "where have I seen you?".

The girl says," u tube?". The manager replies, "No! I am Venkatachalam Edward Tirupathi Taib Iswaran, in short, VETTI is my name".

"But I still cannot put you guys in perspective!" says the manager.

Just then the lights go dim. No one none, zilch are actually thinking. The Daddy, tries hard and says to the manager,
"I suggest you have a generator". Just then the lights  turn on.

They, the daddy and the manager look at each other, once, takes their eyes away from each other and then again they look at each other. Over at the Karoake bar, someone had selected

"அந்த  நாள்  ஞாபகம் ,
நெஞ்சிலே  வந்ததே ,
நண்பனே , நண்பனே , நண்பனே "

"Andha nAL nyAbagam,
nenjilae vandhadhae,
naNbanae, nanbaNae, nanbaNae"

"நீ  நீ  நீங்க  சோம்பேறி  தானே ?" ("nee nee neenga SOMbaeri thAnae?"), the manager asks the dad. The mom looks quizzed and angry. None other than she knew the truth about her husband in that location.

The daddy: ""ஆமா , சோம்பேறி  தான் (AmA, SOMBAERI thAn ), Somasundaram Baskaran Edward Riaz Iswaran". நீ  நீ  நீங்க , உங்க  பெரு  வெட்டி  அப்படீனா  சொன்னீங்க (Nee nee neenga, unga paeru vetti appadeenA sonneenga )?

The Background music changes to "YAdOn ki bArAt" title song.

The eyes of the manager and the dad becomes cloudy and then slowly, there are drops of water falling on the carpet, the boy looks up there is no rain. It is from dad and manager's eyes.

டேய்  வெட்டி (Daey Vetti ) shouts the dad, டேய்  சோம்பேறி  (dei sombaeri ) shouts the manager.

The mom cringes. The whole restaurant is in pin drop silence. The karaoke stopped. The daddy and the manager go to the karaoke bar. They both start where the song stopped.

The triads are happy that the exact distraction they wanted has happened. On the other table, a jackfruit falls into a glass of milk. Gurkha looks at Rubber singh, says,
"இத்தான்  , பலம்  நழுவி  பாலுல  வில்லுறது (iththAn , palam naluvi pAlula villuradhu ), samajgayA"
iththAn , palam naluvi pAlula villuradhu

Pan to Boston...

Something is amiss, thinks the techie. The finances route is good catch but is it the "Deadliest Catch"? he wonders.

"Deadliest Catch?" it looks more like "Dirty Jobs" or "cash cab". Techie is proud how his tireless watching of discovery channel is helping him.

"cash Cab"? That makes the techie think about the secret bank account that he is given where there is loads and loads of money, electronically speaking. This account is what is connected to the "Visa to Masterly Chase and Discover Credit Card Scams' or V2MC&DCCS app in short. This is the Credit Card that has a lot of fake money and is used to track credit card number stealers. It does need a huge database for logging, something to the effect of "Extreme Loggers".

He switches his netbook on, starts V2MC&DCCS, and scans the RIM servers world wide to check for the the blackberry, PK used. He found that and looked for any e-commerce website that the blackberry used. There was one,

"Ha! here is one", the techie said loudly, The website was called, www.உங்கல்கனவுகல்போகம்.com, an e-commerce site that lures a lot of hit on some days when there is huge gold purchase in India. There are also huge transactions going into the site. He goes to that website, looks pretty good. Other than many things, Gold can be purchased at a 25% lower than the market price.

"Something is not correct. Why do I feel uncomfortable?" the techie thinks. Not because of the chinese tofu curry he had at a send -off party.
So he does a view source on the website( got to bring the hrml context here), hmmmmm.... The submit button has a javascript. Looks ok he thinks, but looks at the code logic,
WHAT? the credit card number the users type in are diverted to

Looks at the website address and does a reverse lookup. The IP address is in Bosnia. No heavy regulations. Looks again, the IP is now changed to Russia.
"Oh" he thinks this site is mirroring from several servers. Each transaction routes to a different server.

Pan to Chennai..

After there good rendition(let us give the benefit of the doubt) vetti and sombeari get a rousing applause.

Vetti: It is like, as though the waves were lovingly crashing on the banks.

Sombeari:It feels more like the summer breeze is making the flowers dance in Boston.

When the applause stopped or did it, there was still one clapping pair of hands.They looked around it was vadivel. He finally stopped clapping. They whole restaurant floor was silent and yet there was a ticking noise.

Having been playing, robber and thief in their childhood, both vetti and sombaeri looked at each other. They have been the detective and the assistant in thoes games. Vetti took the fake pipe sombaeri used to have in his mouth in those games.

Sombaeri: You still carry that with you?
Vetti : Mr.Holmes welcome back, it could have been no better to have such an ho(l)m(e)coming.
Sombari: Thank you Watson.

Both look into each others eyes.
Vetti: Sombeari! do not move your eyes.
Sombari: That is what I wanted to tell you.

Vetti sees a blinking red sport in sombeari's eyes.
Vetti: Somebeari, Is your left eye bionic?
Sombeari: Is your right eye bionic?

both together, NO

Sombeari: Hold on,do not move.

Sombeari turns around, he is not able to see anything other than a silveplate hanging on the opposite wall. Turns towards vetti, the left eye has the red light blinking.

Vetti: Are you thinking what I am thinking?
Sombaeri: yes, the restaurant is booby trapped. Let me get the spy scanner gizmo my son has. It is a night visio apparatus that can also detect the sources of the blinking light.

Sombeari goes to his table, takes his son's backpack pull out the nightvision goggles. The wife smells something fishy. She looks around wondering how come fish smell come in a vegetarian place. Sombaeri looks into her eyes. She pulls her credit card, there is an inline message coming from the digital photo,

It says, "this place is trapped, help me get all the customers out - sombeari" . The message flashes three times.

The wife takes her other credit card, calls for the check(bill) pays a 20% gratuity over the bill. And also places a Rs.500 on the waiter's hand.

The waiter being so happy, escorts the family out. While going out, the waiter asks quizically,

"Madam, unga husband varaliyA?"
Wife:  அவரு  நண்பன பாதுடறோலியோ!, அவளவுதான் .("Avaru naNbana pAthutOrOliyO!, avaLavuthAn.) He knows this city well. He will come on his own after some pub hopping".

Sombaeri, scans the whole room. He identifies, four blinking spots. One inside the fish tank, One on the long hand of the wall clock. The other two on two opposite walls, just above Table number 4, at around 6 ft from the floor.

Vetti and sombeari looks around, There are no six footers in the crowd.

Sombaeri: We cannot make the customers run. Let us slowly get the customers out of this place. One table at a time. Do it from table 25 near the exit.

Pan to Boston..

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